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For instructions on delivery of samples and paperwork, please refer to the Application Form.

Please note the new delivery address for all CTC samples and paperwork:

SA Olive
Att. Vittoria Jooste
No. 4A The Courtyard
Klein Joostenberg Farm
R304, Muldersvlei, 7607

T: 083 389 0565
E: manager@saolive.co.za

Submissions must be delivered to SA Olive before or on the Friday at 12h00, prior to the Monday’s tasting.

Please note that samples with incomplete paperwork will be held over until all documentation has been received.

For more information on how to join our CTC Scheme, click here.


4 October 2021
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Joostenberg Bistro
Klein Joostenberg Farm, R304, Muldersvlei
Cape Town, Western Cape 7607 South Africa
+ Google Map


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