For the Labneh
500g plain full fat Greek yogurt
A pinch of pink salt
Add the yogurt to a cheese cloth, stir in the salt. Place over a sieve and bowl and let this strain for 24 hours on the countertop and 24 hours in the fridge. Alternatively, use store bought Labneh
Roasted Kalamata Olives
- 100g Kalamata olives, pat dry
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 dried thyme
- Freshly cracked black pepper to taste
- Mix all the above well and roast in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 180°C stirring every few minutes
To assemble
- Layer the Labneh
- Add 1/4 chopped red onion
- 4 quartered mini rosa tomatoes
- 1 chopped mini cucumber
- Top with roasted Kalamata olives
- A generous drizzle of extra virgin olive oil Garnish with Sumac and chopped parsley
Za’atar Pita Chips
- 2 pitas cut into triangular shapes
- Olive oil, about 3 tablespoons
- 1 heaped teaspoon of za’atar
- In a mixing bowl, add the pitas, olive oil and Za’atar
- Mix well till the pitas are coated
- Bake or airfry for 10 minutes at 180°C till crispy and golden
Source: Nabeelah Hajat